Helping people in healthcare and everywhere discover a sense of dignity for themselves and each other is an important thread in weaving a healthy social fabric where groups, teams, families, communities, and nations where all voices are heard, spoken and respected. Where diversity is understood as an opportunity for enrichment. “Dignity Exchange” is a powerful experiential activity you can use in your teams to promote respect for self and others.
In healthcare we interface with almost all of diversity. Imagine modeling dignity for ourselves and others at every opportunity!
Teach “Dignity Exchange”
But how do we weave this social fabric when there is so much violence, hate, aggression, and fear in the air? One way is to give people experiences of dignity. In the activity, “Dignity Exchange” participants embody the extremes of what dignity is not such as: – Arrogance, superiority, power over others, high status – Inferiority, worthlessness, lack of power, low status.
Most of us know what these feelings and relationships to others are like. Either because we have been treated or treated ourselves or others in such undignified ways.
To learn more about why and how to promote dignity in your team or group watch my quick video message and keep reading or skip ahead to detailed teaching instructions:
Slide show presentation with 5 one-minute video demos.
Handout with instructions.
The Dignity Moment is Visceral!
If you teach this activity you will find it is as if people are discovering something they already know deep inside. That they have inherent value and so do their partners. And as if it is the most natural and vibrant way we can or should be connected. Some hug, some cry, some shake hands.
If you are a teacher, coach, manager, team leader for any group, I encourage you to try teaching “Dignity Exchange”.
Materials are free and link to video examples. The more people can experience dignity, maybe, just maybe it will be a drop in the bucket against gun violence, racism, anti-semitism, homophobia. Also see Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies for lots more resources!
“Dignity Exchange” was developed by my colleague, Liz Korabek-Emerson, MFA and I in our work combining mindfulness and improv.