Happy Holidays Everyone!
“Confident Voices: The Nurses’ Guide to Improving Communication & Creating Positive Workplaces” is my first book! I wrote it shortly after earning my MS in Organization & Management in 2005. While dated in some ways and having zero to do with Medical or Applied Improv, it has some standing value in terms of communication skills, organizational behavior and culture in healthcare.
Please accept a digital download in the spirit of healing healthcare cultures and safe, compassionate care for all of us!
Beth Boynton, RN, MS, CP (She/Hers) is an author and consultant specializing in communication and related skills. She is one of the pioneers in developing Medical Improv as a teaching modality. She has been researching and teaching these skills to healthcare and mental health professionals for two decades! In addition to textbooks, “Successful Nurse Communication: Safe Care, Healthy Workplaces, & Rewarding Careers” (Revised Reprint, 2023, F.A. Davis) and “Complexity Leadership: Nursing’s Role in Healthcare Delivery”, with Diana Crowell, PhD, RN, (2020, F.A. Davis), she wrote two industry first books on Medical Improv! View her Amazon Author page: https://www.amazon.com/Beth-Boynton-RN-MS/e/B0072N5GS4 Join the email list for access to free videos, articles and more about Medical Improv: http://sutra.co/space/6t9m26 Personal Note: I am happily single with a lovely village of friends and live on the coast of NH, USA. My biggest blessing is my son, Curran and his wonderful wife, Dechen. They both work at the United World College in Thailand. He is a drama teacher and she is a nurse :)!
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