Nurses with EQ will improve staffing!

Nurses with EQ will improve staffing!

In Daniel Goleman's model of emotional intelligence, (EQ) there are two main competencies. Personal competency, which includes self-awareness, self-regulation, and motivation and social competency which includes social skills and empathy.…
The Space Between Us

The Space Between Us

Do you every wonder what's going on in the space between us? Where do I end, where do you begin, and where do we exist together?
Healthcare USA: Amazing? Awful?

Healthcare USA: Amazing? Awful?

In a system or 'business' where loss, suffering and pain are commonplace, it isn't realistic to think we'll make everyone happy or that we can eliminate these things. Yet we can increase the positive and decrease the negative by improving interactive skills. Please join me on 8/3/23 from 1-2:30pm for a free online session: "YES AND" 101 for Healthcare & Mental Health Care Visionaries so I can show you how!
Demystifying YES AND!

Demystifying YES AND!

When properly facilitated to ensure a psychologically safe environment for YES AND activities and with integration of learning into accreditation objectives, debriefs, and reflection questions, Medical Improv can improve critical outcomes.