After teaching, writing about, and researching ‘soft’ skills for about 20 years and integrating simple improv activities into trainings for almost as longd, I know how powerful medical improv can be. AND I understand the many challenges healthcare professionals face!

Medical Improv Workshop at Harper College – Jan 25

Experience has taught me that this experiential modality is the most effective, engaging, and fun way to promote the ‘soft’ skills and positive relationships healthcare professionals need to provide safe, compassionate care and enjoy longterm meaningful careers! No small thing, right?

Promoting Medical Improv is Daunting !

  • Some healthcare professionals are curious to know more, yet reluctant to participate.
  • Some want to play, yet it is hard to find others to join in.
  • Some want to network, yet don’t know where to reach out.
  • Still others want to utilize simple activities, yet don’t know how to facilitate for best learning experiences.
  • And pretty much everyone is pressed for time!

Nevertheless, the importance of ‘soft’ skills, teamwork, and stress relief are critically needed in healthcare. And Medical Improv can help with all of these as well as our critical outcomes. Consequently, it is imperative to make it more accessible to more people now!

A 30 minute fast-paced, online session where you choose your level of participation!

Play: Jump in and play with healthcare and allied health professionals from around the world.

Network: Connect with others and talk about this emerging field.

Teach: Learn facilitation tips for a simple activity to use with your team.

I would be so grateful if you would share this post, learn more and sign up for this Medical Improv Experiment. Your participation and feedback would be incredibly helpful! Here’s info about the first session coming up soon.

When: March 28th 12:30-1:00 pm EST

Learn more, share, and register here

Like any good experiment, you have to try a few times and get some feedback. That’s why there are two more dates to save: April 25th and June 6th same time! Join my mailing list to receive notifications!

You can also learn more about this emerging Medical Improv Events & Resources page.



  • Beth Boynton, RN, MS, CP

    Beth Boynton, RN, MS, CP (She/Hers) is an author and consultant specializing in communication and related skills.  She is one of the pioneers in developing Medical Improv as a teaching modality. She has been researching and teaching these skills to healthcare and mental health professionals for two decades! In addition to textbooks,  “Successful Nurse Communication: Safe Care, Healthy Workplaces, & Rewarding Careers” (Revised Reprint, 2023, F.A. Davis) and “Complexity Leadership: Nursing’s Role in Healthcare Delivery”, with Diana Crowell, PhD, RN, (2020, F.A. Davis), she wrote two industry first books on Medical Improv! View her Amazon Author page: Join the email list for access to free videos, articles and more about Medical Improv: Personal Note: I am happily single with a lovely village of friends and live on the coast of NH, USA. My biggest blessing is my son, Curran and his wonderful wife, Dechen. They both work at the United World College in Thailand. He is a drama teacher and she is a nurse :)!

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